Friday, March 30, 2012

StressEraser Portable Biofeedback Device

Product Details

  •     StressEraser Breathwave shows impact of breathing on heart rate
  •     Daily Points help you establish performance benchmarks
  •     Timer allows you to set session limits
  •     Sound option enables you to use with eyes closed
  •     Screen light enables you to use the StressEraser in the dark

Customer Reviews

"This might seem to be a gimmick along the lines of the thigh-master or the ronco fish-a-matic.

Surprisingly, it works fabulously - I started using it when I had a couple of business deals that were having problems out of my control. I found myself relaxed and able to make decisions and able to let go of the things out of my control, and able to enjoy my time when I wasn't working w/o worrying about the deals. I was able to compartamentalize things much better than in the past.

I think this device can be called "mediation reminder for non-new-age types." By having the box, which is about the size of a deck of cards, sitting on my desk, I remember to use it, whereas I've never been able to remember to meditate, despite all the positive press about it. I also like that the product literature describes the process as activing your parasympathetic nervous system (which you can confirm actually does exist) rather than painting it as some sort of spiritual journey... " - By SanDiegoDude (San Diego, CA United States)

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