Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Peter Gillhams Natural Vitality Calm Sweet


"I have used this product before in the calcium/magnesium blend. It was suppose to be tasteless. It wasn't. It tastes awful. This lemon-raspberry tastes okay and the product is more reactive when the hot water is added.

I was medically advised to take my magnesium in this form because of slipped disks in my back. This is only one piece of my back program however I can attest to the efficacy of the product. My disks are no longer slipped. It has helped me to heal.

A bonus benefit for me is that taking the magnesium in this form has stopped the migraines that I have had for 36 years of my life. I have learned that if a headache begins that I need a dose of Natural Calm. I was dealing with a magnesium deficiency.

I would highly recommend this product to anyone with muscle or joint issues, migraines,and back issues..." - By A. Nickerson "Morning Dove" (Passadumkeag, ME United States)

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